

{Our First Appointment}

*8 weeks: no bump yet, but my pants are getting a little snug in the waist!

our first doctor's appointment was august 4, 2010. i was officially 8 weeks pregnant! our doctor is doctor salley at sc obgyn. i don't think i could have picked a better group to go with!

i really have been feeling ok so far during my pregnancy. tired, yes, but not terrible. nauseous, yes, but not terrible. things started to take a turn for the worse last monday. let's just say i had all day sickness and couldn't hold a thing down. our wednesday appointment couldn't get here fast enough. dr. salley wasn't in the office on wednesday so we just met with our nurse, sarah. who is wonderful. she made us feel very comfortable and she was very easy to talk to! we did all the basic health history questions, urinalysis, and lots of blood work! the results: surprise! we're pregnant! um, duh. :) nurse sarah also put me on a nausea medicine and switched my prenatal vitamin to flintstones vitamins! ten million strong, and growing... our first appointment was a success! i was also able to eat my first meal and keep it down. hooray! lunch has never tasted so good!

our next appointment is september 1, 2010. we get to hear baby weaver's heartbeat!


{A Bun in the Oven}

that's right! we're {PREGNANT}! after a few days of feeling funny, i decided to take a test, 'just in case'. well, that 'just in case' test had two little pink lines in SECONDS! almost instantly! so i'm sitting there, on the toilet, in complete shock. i finally call chad in there to tell him the news. this is the honest to goodness conversation:

{ME} chad! come here! i have something to show you!

{CHAD} ok! ok! *side note: he had no idea what i was doing*

{ME} chad! i'm pregnant! we're going to have a baby!

{CHAD} oh wow! that's great! i just put some left over ribs in the microwave. do you want some?
{ME} what? chad, i'm pregnant!

{CHAD} i know! do you want some ribs?

in chad's defense, he really was excited! just excited about his ribs too! after three tests, i finally decided i was, in fact, pregnant. ok. we can start telling family and close friends. everyone is very excited, but a few reactions stood out. when we told papa, my dad's dad, he was going to be a great granddad, he clutched his heart and swayed a little bit {hopefully just pretending} and said "ooooh my!" then immediately tells a donkey joke: i had a donkey once and asked him how much corn he wanted. that donkey said a few-ew-ew-ew. i'm not lying. at all.

the next best reaction belongs to my friend jessica. we were at a little get together with some old friends from high school. jamie and cayce already knew, so it was time to tell jess. "well jess, i have something to tell you!" her eyes got HUGE. "yep! i'm pregnant!" she began to freak out. "OMG! OMG! OMG! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! OMG! OMG! OMG!" this is complete with arm flapping and all. and lasts for about 5 minutes! and i'm sure you all heard it from your houses as well. :) i really do have the best, sweetest friends!

stay tuned for our first doctor's appointment! august 4, 2010!
