

{12 weeks}

*12 weeks. Note my pants don't button. also check out the color swatch of our bedroom!

happy 2nd trimester to me! we had our 12 week appointment with dr. salley on monday. everything went well and we got to hear little weaver's heartbeat! 160 bpm and going strong! theory has it that 140 bmp and above's a little girl! but, that's just a theory. we'll officially know in october, and believe me, it can't get here soon enough!! a couple of baby blogs i read have this cute little questionnaire, so i think i'll add it to mine!

how far along: 12 weeks and counting!

how big is baby: baby weaver is around 2 1/2 inches and weighs about 1/2 ounce. think the size of a fresh plum!

gender: AAAAAHH! it's driving me CRAZY not knowing! i can't stand passing up cute baby things!

weight gain: sigh. a little more than i was wanting to. 6 lbs in a month. BUT, in my defense, i've been eating things that 'stick' to me, and that means A LOT of carbs. i'm doing better, i swear...

stretch marks: none yet! hopefully never!
sleep: ha! Sometimes i CANNOT get enough sleep! this week, i've seriously gone to bed at 8:00 at the latest. after a nap after work. so sad. then other times i wake up at 5 in the morning, ready to start my day! once i even got up and ironed chad's clothes for work AND made him breakfast.

best moment of the week: hearing little weaver's heartbeat!

food and cravings: no cravings yet, but i do have some food aversions. i used to LOVE yogurt. not so much anymore. plain cheerios also taste garlic-y to me.

movement: not yet! soon though!

what i miss: hmmm...really the only thing i miss is sushi. well the raw stuff. i can still eat rolls that have fully cooked filling.

belly button: still an innie :)

looking forward to: starting on the nursery! it's next on our never ending list of home renovations!

milestone: the end of my first trimester! hopefully all the pregnancy discomforts will GO AWAY!

tune in next week! same weaver time, same weaver channel!



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